New Jersey Breast Imaging & Mammography

Early Detection is One of the Best Weapons in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer kills 40,000 women each year in the United States. Early detection is the key to fighting it successfully. Because screening mammography is so important in identifying breast cancer at the earliest, most treatable stages – it is vital that women choose a breast imaging center with the highest level of clinical expertise and access to advanced screening and diagnostic technologies.

Mammograms are the best technology currently available to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages, most treatable stages. Atlantic Medical Imaging is staffed with board certified and fellowship-trained radiologists equipped with state-of-the-art breast imaging technology. We are committed to accuracy and quick turnaround so that you and your care provider can make informed decisions for the future.

What You Should Know About Mammograms

Mammograms are special x-rays of the breast and currently the most accurate method of detecting breast cancer. Women receive mammograms for various reasons, but it is primarily used for routine breast cancer screenings and to investigate breast abnormalities. During the exam, your breast will be squeezed by two metal plates that take several low dose X-rays. Breast compression is essential in performing a mammogram due to the fact that it improves image quality, reduces patient dose, and better separates tissue components.

The American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging mammogram screening guidelines recommend that most women receive a mammogram at age 35 and then start receiving annual screening mammograms starting at age 40. Your doctor may recommend you start earlier if you have a high risk of breast cancer.

Some breast cancer risk factors include:

  • A family history of the disease
  • You have been diagnosed with breast cancer before
  • You received radiation therapy before age 30
  • You’ve had benign breast abnormalities before
  • Obesity
  • You had your first child after age 30
  • You have never had a full-term pregnancy
  • You started having periods before age 12

It is also recommended that you perform monthly self breast exams so that you can grow familiar with the look and feel of your breasts. This will make it easier to know when something new appears such as a lump in breast, sore breasts, breast pain, or itchy breast.

3D Mammogram for Dense Breasts

It has traditionally been more difficult for radiologists to detect signs of breast cancer in women with dense breast tissue. This is because the standard 2D mammogram produces flat images that are harder to detail when there is thick breast tissue. Now, women with dense breast tissue can receive more accurate and reliable breast cancer screenings through 3D mammography, also known as 3D tomosynthesis. This is a state-of-the-art approach to breast cancer screening that allows radiologists to view breast images from multiple angles. As a result, accurate breast cancer screening results are noticeably higher for 3D mammography, which is offered at all AMI practices in New Jersey.

Resources for Breast Cancer Patients

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